Project visit in Philippine

As a spillover effect of the grassroots technical cooperation project, "Nanjo City and Victorias City's Independent Development and Strengthening Project," a project visit by two famous cherry blossom university students to accompany the dispatch of experts to Victorias City in February…

Re-recognize Okinawan roots! JICA Japanese training

In FY2018, JICA Japanese training “Training soft power and local revitalization through reconfirmation of Okinawan roots” was held. Period: December 10, 2018 to December 21, 2018 Participants: 12 Japanese trainees (A…

News of Muraya Nanji meeting!

Hello! This is the first Lekio news in the new year. On Saturday, February 9, 2019, the "Nansapo"-sponsored social activity festival, named "Muraya Nanji Meeting," will be held at Nanjo City Hall! …

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone for the healthy new year. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and cooperation. Looking back on 2018...