Lequio Wings SDGs declaration
The Sustainable Development Goals
Lequio Wings is working with Okinawa through international cooperation projects, international exchange projects, human resource development projects, and regional revitalization projects to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. We will connect the world and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

The SDGs are aimed at "realizing a sustainable world free from poverty, inequality and inequality and climate change" at the UN General Assembly "Summit on Sustainable Development" held in New York in September 2015. There are 17 goals to be achieved by 2030.
International cooperation project
International cooperation
Learn from each other and grow together.
We value the idea of “learn mutually and grow together” with the partner countries when we implement international cooperation projects.
We always keep in our mind to respect our partners and to understand the differences between each other to grow together.
International cooperation project
Industrial Promotion Policy Support Project by Creating Regional Brands (Collaborative Project between Nago City and Krabi City)

Preliminary Survey on Tourism Promotion Project in Alifu Alifu Atoll/Rashidu Island (Residential Island) (Local Authorities for International Relations)

JICA Task-Specific Training Strengthening Educational Administration to Measure Disparities in Basic Education

JICA Country Training Colombia / Strengthening the in-service education and training system in peace education

Regional Revitalization Enhancement Project for Independent Development of Nanjo City and Victorias City

International exchange business
International exchange
Meet and share with people from various countries in Okinawa.
Our international exchange projects provide the opportunities for people to connect with others from all over the world and build friendships.
We believe that such friendships will last forever even beyond the border. We aim to create the true “ICHARIBA-CHODE” (means whoever you met is your brother or sister in Okinawa) through the projects.
International exchange business
Human resource development business
Human resource development
Human resource development with a global perspective.
We believe that Okinawa should focus more on human resource development for the future because educating next-generation contributes to further international cooperation and exchange.
By keeping in our mind how we can contribute to Okinawa to achieve the aim, we hope the implementation of our projects will promote development of global human resources.
Human resource development business
Regional activation business
Regional activation
Reginal vitalization with utilizing overseas networks
It is impossible to achieve the goal of SDGs11 “sustainable cities and communities” if our cities are not lively. Moreover, “regional challenges” can be said as a common challenge that all of us face because it clarifies gaps between regions even in developing countries.
So we conduct activities with utilizing local power (Okinawan soft power) and our overseas networks to vitalize the local.