Since 2019, we have been searching for collaboration between NGOs and companies to see if we can work together with companies rather than relying solely on the power of individual NGOs to achieve the goals of the SDGs by 2030.

In order to expand this initiative, the “Okinawa International Cooperation Platform (OIC-PF)” is a place where companies, NGOs, government agencies, universities, and individuals can work together, especially from the perspective of international cooperation, in order to realize SDGs unique to Okinawa. Aiming to create, it started in October 2020 as a JICA Okinawa project. Currently, 50 organizations and individuals are members.

In promoting Okinawa-specific SDGs through partnerships in Okinawa Prefecture, especially from the perspective of international cooperation, gather various powers through “collaboration” with related NGOs and other organizations and companies, etc., and develop continuous and effective activities. In addition to implementing various initiatives and “support” for this purpose, the secretariat will play a role as an opportunity to strengthen relationships between NGOs and become a place for “dialogue” where the necessary support for strengthening NGO organizations can be delivered. for the purpose of

Specifically, the operation of the "Okinawa International Cooperation Platform Council", which discusses cooperation between JICA Okinawa and members, collection and dissemination of information on member activities, support for activities, seminars, visiting lectures, project management, etc. is being implemented.


●Collaboration Council

A place to discuss expectations and challenges for NGOs, companies, and JICA


● OIC-PF seminar (for members)

Study sessions where members can learn specialized content according to their needs (e.g. accounting, labor, law, fundraising, etc.)

●Human resource development

Lectures on international cooperation with the cooperation of OIC-PF members at universities, etc.

On-site lecture

Lectures and introductions by members in their respective specialized fields according to the needs of educational institutions and companies in the prefecture


●Members regular meeting

Information sharing, introduction of project activities by members. Scheduled to be held at the same time as the OIC-PF seminar (for members)


Members present a project they want to implement, and members who agree with it collaborate to operate it.

●Member introduction seminar (for the general public))

Introduce members' activities related to international cooperation and SDGs in a forum format for the general public

●OIC-PF introductory pamphlet ●E-mail magazine (newsletter) ●Videos and information transmission


For details, see the OIC-PF website

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