About membership
Member recruitment

Lequio Wings is looking for members to support the project by agreeing with the purpose.

As a member privilege,

  • We will post a banner (advertisement) on this site.
  • We will send you information on events planned by Lequio Wing
  • You can participate in a study tour planned by Lequio Wings (a rural experience in the Philippines, a volunteer experience for planting mangrove trees, etc.) with a special discount
  • You can purchase fair trade products such as eco bags made from recycled Philippine juice packs and colorful bamboo bags at a special price

To become a member, please check the following membership rules and contact us by email, fax, or phone to apply for membership.

Lequio Wings membership rules
Lequio Wings membership application form

Regular member
Regular member

Admission fee7,000 yen50,000 yen
Annual fee3,000 yen20,000 Yen

Supporting member
Supporting member

Admission fee5,000 yen30,000 yen
Annual fee2,000 yen10,000 yen

Supporting member groups
Supporting member organization

Tax accountant corporation FTL

Location: Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki City Hiroshima 1-12-17 Q's Building 3rd floor

TEL: 0985-20-4107 FAX: 0985-41-5017