Okinawa International Cooperation and Exchange Festival 2020

Okinawa International Cooperation and Exchange Festival 2020

~ Efforts of everyone from SDGs Okinawa ~

Welcome! To the introduction video of NPO corporation Requio Wings ^ ^

We, Requio Wings, were established in 2011 by the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers OBOG with the aim of contributing to the true independence of Okinawa.

At this JICA Festival, I would like to introduce a video of the projects that Requio Wings has carried out so far regarding international cooperation, international exchange, human resource development, and regional revitalization that make use of the uniqueness of Okinawa.

The content and time of the video are as follows ↓ ↓ ↓

Want to watch! concern! seems interesting! Please look while picking up the part you think ^ ^


~ Video content (time) ~

* Requio Wings introduction video (0:00 to 1:26)

【International cooperation】

* JICA Country Training "Columbia / Strengthening the Training System for In-service Teachers in Peace Education" (1: 28-3: 18)

* JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project (Regional Revitalization Special Frame) "Regional Revitalization Enhancement Project for Independent Development of Nanjo City and Victorias City" (3: 19-13: 33)

* Japan NGO Cooperation Grant Aid "Victoria City Emergency Vehicle and Disaster Rescue Equipment Donation and Training Project" (13: 34-16: 18)

【International exchange】

* Fun Africa in Nanjo (16: 18-16: 50)

* Next Generation OKINAWA Leaders Meeting (16: 50-17: 27)

[Human resource development]

* Nanjo City / Ie Village / Tokashiki Village Wide Area Collaboration Project "Asia Youth Human Resource Development / Network Formation Project (AY ♡ NIT)" (17: 28-8: 00)

【Regional activation】

* Okinawa SDGs Partners Formation Program "Collaboration between Companies and NGOs" (28: 00-28: 36)

* JICA Japanese training "Utilization of soft power and regional revitalization learned through re-recognition of Okinawa roots" (28: 37-31: 54)