Certified as a JICA-SDGs Partner!

This time, our corporation is "JICA-SDGs Partner* ”Certified!

Based on the vision of Requio Wings, which aims to connect Okinawa and the world and realize a co-creative society, we will continue to strive to maximize collaboration with everyone involved and achieve sustainable development goals through partnerships. We would like to contribute to the achievement of (SDGs).

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Currently, Requio Wings is co-sponsored by JICA Okinawa Center.

"Okinawa SDGs International Cooperation Network Formation Program-Collaboration between Companies and NGOs for International Cooperation-"We are carrying out.

In this program, based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Okinawa 21st Century Vision, partnerships with NGOs in Okinawa Prefecture, which are engaged in international cooperation activities for developing countries, and companies considering overseas expansion are more important. Because of this, we are trying to match companies with NGOs and actually collaborate. We will share the strengths, issues, and needs of NGOs and companies, explore the possibilities of matching, and form collaborative businesses. By creating a place where NGOs and companies can meet and seeking collaboration with a view to improving the social situation from the corona disaster, a model of collaboration between NGOs and companies will be created and the SDGs will be international from Okinawa. The purpose is to form the foundation of a network of cooperation.

Please see here for the detail. (Facebook URL)

* What is the "JICA-SDGs Partner" system?

"The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will establish the" JICA-SDGs Partner "system for the further development of the SDGs implementation guidelines and SDGs action plans decided by the Government of Japan (SDGs Promotion Headquarters). The new coronavirus is rampant all over the world and has a tremendous impact on our society. Partnerships with all of you are becoming even more important in order to avoid the division of the world and realize the future that the SDGs envision. (Excerpt from JICA HP) ”